travel asia china hong kong hong kong island aberdeen boat people
When we first visited Aberdeen in 1991 and 1998 we got to see the hundreds of boat people who lived in Aberdeen Harbor surrounded by a few high-rise apartments.
Now, its hard to find reminents of the huge boat community and the number of high-rises seems to have at least quadrupled.
TRAVEL: December 1991, November 1999, January 2020

This location has earned an over-all four (very good) rating from
Travel Fanatics Unlimited
unless noted otherwise all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc

Boat community, Aberdeen Harbor, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong, China, 1998.

Boat community, Aberdeen Harbor, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong, China, 1998.

Boat community, Aberdeen Harbor, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong, China, 1998.

Boat community, Aberdeen Harbor, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong, China, 1998.

Boat community, Aberdeen Harbor, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong, China, 1998.
copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
page last revised january 2020